Flywheel slicer Berkel Model 3


Berkel 3


Black / Cream / Red


1915 – 1924

Technical data:

Blade: 350

Width: 630

Depth: 840

Height: 560


Model 3 flywheel slicer has been over time very successful, thanks to its outstanding mechanical system. It might appear complex, but actually the mechanics of this model is as incredibly smooth as it is performing.

By rotating its flower flywheel, the gears situated under the base of this slicing machine move. These gears trigger the blade through the chain and the scroll carriage, by means of two connecting rods. The scroll carriage of this specific model is placed on the blade’s close side and scrolls in a pivot. On the opposite side, it leans upon a squared bar through a scrolling felt. Finally, the two guides sit on four columns fixed at their base, two for each guide.

Van Berkel Model 3 has a graduated dial knob for the slice thickness regulation at its base. It is necessary to operate the peck-shaped lever located on the axle of the toothed wheel, which is placed on the carriage. The wheel’s movement is transferred to the worm screw where the clamp comb lays, therefore generating the slicing action. The clamp moves right or left of the toothed wheel, which being connected to a lever, can be manually operated by the user.

With Model 3 Van Berkel slicing machine, correctly positioning the item to be sliced is easy and guaranteed by an attachment clamp on the scroll carriage. Such clamp is composed of a column with a friction knob on its rear side, and a rack-rod at the front. The two parts are connected through a toothed arm that acts on the product being sliced.

Interesting to notice, Van Berkel Model 3 is equipped with a flywheel slicer sharpener, a quite clever and innovative system composed of a closed nickel treated molded case with two jerks for its sharpening.

Model 3 slicer’s shoulder is round-shaped. In addition, on the top side of this flywheel slicer there are different elements: the hub to which the blade is connected, the tinplate tray for gathering the cold cuts, the blade back guard, the blade front guard and the slice separator tab. On the bottom side of the machine the Van Berkel trademark name plate may be found.

This professional flywheel slicer is available in different versions: red, black and upon request also in cream color.

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